Increase the performance of your website for free!

Apply to Omniconvert's publishers & bloggers program and get free access to our award-winning platform

Fill in this form to see if you qualify for a free Omniconvert account.

Valentin Radu

CEO & Founder @ Omniconvert

Hi there,

My name is Valentin Radu and I'm the CEO of, the complete website optimization platform.

I know how hard it is to monetize a publishing website or a blog these days and to afford paying for advanced marketing technologies. 

That’s why we decided to create a program for content websites. 

There’s no catch to it: we offer a free account to any publisher or blog owner that we think adds value to the world.  So, feel free to apply!

Here's how Omniconvert can help you increase your website performance

1. Improve monetization by collecting leads for clients

If you are a publisher or a blogger you most probably want to monetize it. One solution is to collect leads and sell them to interested brands on a CPL (click per lead) basis.

The price for a qualified lead in the online marketing vertical varies from $20/piece to $100 or more. Now imagine how your income would look like with hundreds of these leads every month. 

With Omniconvert’s branching logic surveys you can do this. Install a lead collecting machine in just a few minutes and watch your income grow every month.

2. Collect more subscribers to your newsletter

Omniconvert’s website overlayer feature can significantly increase your sign-ups as it triggers newsletter sign-ups banners for the right audience, at the right time. You can choose from various banner formats that will be triggered on exit or when scrolling past a specific page location or many others. 

But you also don’t want to annoy your loyal readers. That’s why this feature allows you to display newsletter signup overlayers only for certain people, like first time visitors or those coming from social media and other criteria you set up. You choose. 

3. Improve metrics such as bounce rate, time on page, engagement and more

If you want you readers to be engaged and come back for more, the first rule is to write awesome, valuable content. Assuming you already do this we have a secret weapon for you: A/B Testing

Imagine how cool it would be if you could figure out which headline is better, which button or link in your sidebar or header gets more clicks or which call to action is more efficient. With Omniconvert’s A/B Testing feature you can test all these and many others. 

And we’ve made an intuitive HTML editor that allows you to simply change just about anything on your site and then start your own A/B test to improve your metrics. 

The publisher program overview

What you get?

Who can apply?

You get unrestricted access to a 100% free 10k tested visitors/month account, all features enabled.

Any publishers and bloggers that add value to the world. You’ll get an email from us if you’ve been selected to enter the program.

What's required from you?

Any other perks?

After implementing & testing Omniconvert on your blog, the only requirement is that you write a review or testimonial regarding our platform, within 1-3 months after using it. It does not have to be positive and there is no required minimum length.

If you need help implementing Omniconvert, you can request a free training from one of our specialists.

Take advantage of this free offer today!

Apply to Omniconvert’s publisher and bloggers program and see if you qualify for a free account on our award winning platform

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